Digital fabrication, also known as computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), is a revolutionary manufacturing process that combines advanced computer technologies with traditional fabrication techniques. It encompasses a range of modern methods, such as 3D printing, CNC machining, laser cutting, and additive manufacturing, enabling the creation of intricate and precise physical objects from digital designs. The process begins with a digital 3D model, created using computer-aided design (CAD) software, which is then translated into machine-readable instructions. These instructions guide computer-controlled machines to shape, cut, or add materials, bringing the digital design to life. Digital fabrication offers numerous advantages, including rapid prototyping, customization, reduced waste, and the ability to produce complex geometries that were once difficult or impossible to achieve through conventional manufacturing methods. As technology advances, digital fabrication continues to revolutionize industries ranging from aerospace and automotive to fashion and medicine, driving innovation and shaping the future of manufacturing.machines